Bernie Marsden is one of the great Rock and Blues guitarists, famous for his time in professional bands since 1972 and a founder member of Whitesnake. But, there is a lot more to this man, from his first band UFO to treading the boards of the National Theatre in London, on stage with Ringo Starr in Monaco, playing the Beacon Theatre in New York with the Allman Brothers Band, writing and playing with Joe Bonamassa and Motorhead. Recently Bernie released a new book entitled, "Bernie Marsden - Tales of Tone and Volume" that details Bernie's guitar collection, indeed one of the most unique and expansive private guitar collections in the world. No doubt will be holding a signing session in Ballyshannon.
Bernie Marsden joins a growing stellar Rory Gallagher Festival line-up that already boasts "Band of Friends" featuring Gerry McAvoy, Ted McKenna and Marcel Scherpenzeel, also Pat McManus Band, Johnny Gallagher & Boxtie, Gerry Jablonski Band (Scotland), Sinnerboy (UK), Laundromat (NL), Big Guns (IT), Mississippi Sheiks (Ire), Aiden Pryor Band (UK), Deuce (Ire) and many more.
However more Headline Acts are to be announced in the coming days with the Full Programme to be released before 12th December 2018 - All Details are available at - Book your Early Bird Big Top Tickets NOW - (All 3 Nights just €70) - All details on Accommodation, Travel Tips and much more ………………….. 30 ACTS ON 15 STAGES OVER 4 DAYS !!!